You have an offer that brings in 5-10k every month. You love what you‘re doing. Your clients love you. You literally changing their lives. They’re telling this to you.

But you can’t seem to smash the invisible income ceiling. It just doesn’t ducking happen.

You see the posts of people who’re seemingly smashing it, even though they started long after you. You saw their offer and those are not that good. Definitely not better than yours. And still.

I feel your pain, it happens to more entrepreneurs than you think.

And there are a few reasons why this might happen to you

👉 You don’t know why people buy from you; sure they do, but you never actually took the time to understand, I mean really understand why they buy your offer.

👉 If you can pinpoint this you’ll be able to use that element in your marketing.

👉 You’re not really clear about your offer; sure you have your deliverables, modules, number of whatnots but you can’t really explain your offer in a short, compelling way. You say a lot of ambiguous stuff that kinda makes it fluffy.

To influence people to make buying decisions, you need to offer them information about what they get if they buy. How is that thing will help them? If your offer doesn’t tell them straight away what it is in for them, why on earth would they purchase it?

👉 Because your offer is kind of fluffy (this is especially true if your offer is personalised and the end result depends on the client) your content gets diluted.

Basically, you cannot talk about your offer in a way that clearly explains what it is for them. Your messaging is a bit off. Sure you get some likes and comments, but not what your offer and knowledge actually deserve.

You hold yourself back and perhaps even struggle to come up with content ideas all the time.

Your content just doesn’t sell your offer. And doesn’t matter what marketing strategy or tactic you’re trying to hone in, if this one doesn’t work… well then the whole system broke.

👉 Even if your content is good, you might have issues creating content that moves people from leads to prospects. And from prospects to clients. This means that people who are unaware of the problem your offer is solving go through the problem-, solution-, product- and most aware stages and at the end buy your stuff.

Let me give you an example

Let’s say you’re an accountant and tax advisor and your clients are small businesses. You talking about tax optimisation would not make any sense for a fresh entrepreneur under the tax threshold. Or if you’re speaking to someone who makes 10k per month doesn’t have the same pain as the one who makes 50k or more and wants to save more money from the taxman. They’d pay more attention to you and they need different kinda content.

But it doesn’t mean that the one with a 10k monthly income doesn’t want to optimise their tax. Course they do. But they don’t need that kind of tax planning. At this moment. Perhaps when they hit their 50k months (especially if they work with me 😉) in a few months, next year, then they’ll be all ears.

Why should you create content for people who are not your ideal clients, in this case, the ones who don’t make that much money to worry too much about their tax? – you should ask

Well, because your target audience and ideal client is not the same. You need to create content for a broader audience. To an audience who will become your ideal client.

I let you on a ‘secret’. Only 3% of your ideal client is ready to buy the service/offer you or your competitor have at any given point.

17% is solution aware and they’re thinking about solving the problem but it’s not urgent for them.

They’re looking, gathering information, ask questions but are not ready to buy.

20% is problem aware but they don’t think the issue is something they need to solve. A.k.a. they’re not worried too much about the tax as it’s not as much.

And 60% has no clue about this being an actual issue.

99% of your competitors are only going for the 3%. Not a clever approach if you ask me. Sure, you aim for them too, but you want to cover a bigger scoop.

So you talk to the 37% who WILL become the 3% who is ready to buy. And as you know it takes time to lead people through the know, trust and buy triangle, it’s better if you start building your authority now.

So many times people tell me they want to work with me/save up money, etc even though they’re not there yet. They see the value in my offering, they want to work with me because they know I actually can help them when they’re at that stage in their business.

And it happens because I nurture them and use buyer psychology.

In a nutshell, you need to understand buyer psychology to be able to leverage it. To be able to increase your profit, yes I said profit and not revenue. And to make your life a tad bit easier.

And this is one of the aspects I’m working with clients in the Profit Zone programme. The programme helps service-based business owners to simplify their processes and have crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan they need to sell NOW… If they don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start selling.

All this in 1 or 3 days.

But this is not for everyone, so who's a good fit to work with me?

they want better quality leads and more clients but they don’t want the “busy work”, they want to focus on money-generating tasks and they need a clear method they can follow

their content doesn’t generate buzz and/or leads because it lacks the clarity and powerful, unambiguous positioning and messaging required to generate those leads

they already know their material is great but for some reason, they’re stuck under the frustrating income ceiling that they want to smash through now

they don’t want to change niche or your offer (tweaking is fine) because it works but they need to up their game

they’re confident in their ability to convert all their new leads into clients

Are you ready to scale your business to the next level?

How it works

Step 1

starts with the Outstanding Gameplan

The purpose of the session is to recognise the uniqueness of your business, so you can stand out of the sea of sameness. And once you become outstanding, we’ll find a way to increase your profit without working more.

All this in a 2,5 hours online session.

Step 2

let the ball roll with Profit Zone

The Outstanding Gameplan uncovers the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers. After that, with the Profit Zone, I’ll show you the simplified processes, crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan you need to sell NOW… If you don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start making money.

All this in 1 or 3 days.

What people are saying

Who am I?

I’m Viki Thorbjorn, an ex-athlete turned award-winning marketer. I’ve helped clients to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. Or to save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%. And just in 2021 alone I helped thousands of people with their business and gained hundreds of customers.

And I designed the Outstanding Gameplan to reveal the very unique, authentic essence of your business, letting you tackle the goals you care about, no matter how complex or ambitious they might seem.

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