People tell me that they need to be a copywriter or be really good at communication and writing to be able to sell high-ticket offers.

They tell me that they’re “stupid“, they’re “bad at writing“, their “English is crap” and they just don’t understand how they should do it. They put out content, like “Monday motivation” and “Tuesday tips” and stuff like that and they just can’t see why the sales they want and hoped for don’t happen.

But if we are really, and I mean REALLY honest the thing they put out cannot sell their offer. For several reasons. Like they post about themselves and their content is mostly a promotional ‘buy my stuff’ thing. And not even a good one, just a vague one. You know, the one when I don’t REALLY know what they’re selling because it is so ambiguous and it promises things but nothing specifically.

There’s a way to easily craft content that resonates with your audience. Content that talks about your offer and handles objections, making sales conversations short and easy. Content that ethical, so you don’t throw up during writing it. Content that’s unique. That your copycats cannot replicate even if they copy-paste the whole thing. And I’m about to teach you a formula from the bunch of things I use in my content to sell high-ticket offers (in my book a high-ticket offer is between 8k-100k).

Without me wanting to offend you, give a thought to these questions. Who the hell cares about you? I care about my issues and don’t want to be sold. Why would I be interested in reading your content if it doesn’t give me anything?

Why would I want to subscribe to your email list or join your group or hop on a chat with you if there’s nothing for me? If all these are just about you? It’s about your story, it’s about your offer, and it’s about lots of ‘time-wasting’ activities without any value in it for me.

You want me to download your freebie or buy your low-ticket thingy and you can pester me until I block you or unsubscribe from your mailing list. And you just do this because you want to sell your high-ticket, high-profit offer.

In the wrong way.

To make you feel better, it’s actually, not your fault. If you’ve ever purchased prompts or captions, hired a social media manager or bought courses on how to create content you learnt this approach.

So, what can you do to sell with your content?

And when I say sell, I mean create the piece of content in a way that’ll sell your offer. Without you tell them every 2 seconds that ‘buy my stuff’.

First, your content is not about you. If I look for a plumber/accountant/designer/life coach or whatever, I don’t want to read about your Monday motivation. I want to read about how you can solve my problem without rubbing it under my nose that I have a problem. Thank you very much, I know I have a problem, that’s why I’m looking for your help.

I want to see if I can trust you (authority content) if you’re not an a**hole (connection content). I want to understand what you do and how. And I want to know if your offer is in my budget or not. So don’t hide your pricing and try to convince me after you ‘diagnosed’ my problem and push me around to repeat how bad my life would be if I don’t solve said problem.

No thank you. If you’re not clear and honest about your offer, about what it does and how… I won’t buy from you. If you’re keeping your explanation about your process to the sales call or dm chat, I won’t buy from you. And don’t ever try to manipulate me on a sales call by using an outdated script or template to push me over the edge.

And I know that this is what most marketers/business coaches/consultants/insert appropriate titles repeat and ask you to do, so no wonder you’re frustrated.

People are much more sophisticated now. They’ve learnt what to expect and when comes the pitch. Your audience most likely has seen/listened to more pitches in your niche/topic than you. They know stuff you don’t because they’re constantly targeted. So if you’re doing the same as everyone else, you just waste precious time.

You can do better, and it’s easy.

People will do anything for those who:

    1. encourage their dreams
    2. calm their fears
    3. confirm their suspicions
    4. justify their failures
    5. help them throw rocks at their enemies

And if you carefully read the copy above these bullet points, you’ll see I literally included every single point in the content.

So, when you write your content that converts, you should use these 5 elements. That’s fine if you can’t put every single one of them in it, but try to include as many as you can.

This type of content is authoritative, as you show you know what you’re talking about, you see the bigger picture and can go into the nitty-gritty details. It’s a connection content too as you make it abundantly clear what you stand for and stand against. And based on how you end your content, it can be promotional.

I’ll finish it with a promotional ending, so you’ll understand what I mean.

Do you like this copywriting formula that transforms strangers into customers? This is just one tiny part of my Profit Zone programme that is aiming to increase your profitability by 20% in 1-3 days, without spending more time or money on marketing.

How will we do this?

First, we’ll look at your business, industry and your offer to understand why people buy from you and leverage buyer psychology to sign more clients. (I wrote a dissertation on the topic.) And we’ll find the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers to attract and impress your (prospective) clients.

And after that, we’ll do the math and your pricing to make sure your business can reach a very nice and comfortable high-profit margin revenue (a.k.a. your ambitious income goal), without working every hour under the sun. Yes, this means we’ll brainstorm ways to increase the value of your offer or reduce the time of delivery.

And if you’re a good fit and want to go further after the Outstanding Gameplan, you might grab one of the Profit Zone offers to progress further, which include the below steps and more.

We’ll find the best ways to grow your audience by checking on your existing results, resources & your personality. You can expect to work on your email marketing, social media & community-building activities.

We’ll put together a simple system & process that’ll help you increase your sales conversion & referral rate.

We’ll pinpoint your crystal clear & concise message & craft a few viral & engagement posts. You’ll write different posts following my proven method by leveraging buyer psychology to get the leads coming in. Then I review & critique your content.

We’ll optimise your sales process to increase your conversion rate, so you can enjoy better results with less work.

Together, we’ll create the simplest marketing plan on Earth for your business. And help you repurpose your content to be able to set and forget most of it.

By this point, your offer, your messaging, content & sales process basically lets people close themselves with very little effort on your side.

One of the versions of my Profit Zone method I used to help a client to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. This method also helped me save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%.

End result? You’ll be able to simplify your marketing, fine-tuning your marketing message and methodology so these won’t hold you back from rapid growth and peace in your business anymore.

No more working way too hard talking to the wrong people and presenting your offers in the wrong way.

Pretty simple, right? And very effective.

But this is not for everyone, so who's a good fit to work with me?

they want better quality leads and more clients but they don’t want the “busy work”, they want to focus on money-generating tasks and they need a clear method they can follow

their content doesn’t generate buzz and/or leads because it lacks the clarity and powerful, unambiguous positioning and messaging required to generate those leads

they already know their material is great but for some reason, they’re stuck under the frustrating income ceiling that they want to smash through now

they don’t want to change niche or your offer (tweaking is fine) because it works but they need to up their game

they’re confident in their ability to convert all their new leads into clients

Are you ready to scale your business to the next level?

How it works

Step 1

starts with the Outstanding Gameplan

The purpose of the session is to recognise the uniqueness of your business, so you can stand out of the sea of sameness. And once you become outstanding, we’ll find a way to increase your profit without working more.

All this in a 2,5 hours online session.

Step 2

let the ball roll with Profit Zone

The Outstanding Gameplan uncovers the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers. After that, with the Profit Zone, I’ll show you the simplified processes, crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan you need to sell NOW… If you don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start making money.

All this in 1 or 3 days.

What people are saying

Who am I?

I’m Viki Thorbjorn, an ex-athlete turned award-winning marketer. I’ve helped clients to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. Or to save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%. And just in 2021 alone I helped thousands of people with their business and gained hundreds of customers – will you be the next?

And I designed the Outstanding Gameplan to reveal the very unique, authentic essence of your business, letting you tackle the goals you care about, no matter how complex or ambitious they might seem.

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