I purchased a programme over the weekend and now I request a refund

I have a problem and I was searching for solutions. Because the problem is something I want to be solved I was in buying mode. Because I googled terms before Fb started to show me ads that had something that has a relation to the solution I need.

Of course, Fb didn’t know why I look for the solution, so it showed me a totally different aspect of the solution and whilst I watched all those things, to investigate even further those weren’t for me. So I started to google and read blogs after blogs to better understand what I actually need. And after having a better understanding, started to search very differently as it was about time to buy. All this went on for about 2-3 hours, so not that long.

I didn’t know any of the businesses I checked on. I didn’t have a chat/convo with them. I just checked out their content on their website, sales page, social media, etc (yup, basically googling them if it wasn’t obvious).

So in the end, I had 3 companies who offered something similar and I felt they might offer the thing I need.

The first one had a 32 minutes video explanation (basically a pitch based on a template – you know, if you’ve got pitched enough you’ll know exactly where, when and what they’ll say). I wanted to skip the BS and just go to the checkout but there was no option.

I was annoyed by this and irritated. I left the tab open on my phone but went on to check on their social media. They boosted a few posts on their page, so I could find that a LOT of people were frustrated by their long sales pitch and wanted the link. And they gave the link to them in the comments, so I just clicked on that to see ‘what’ I’d get for how much if I buy.

It was more expensive than I thought it would be, so I decided to watch the video to the end to see if they might give some weight and explanation of why their thing is soooo bloody brilliant and how it works. I’ve heard a long sales pitch about how great their thing is.

I’ve heard that they’re famous. I’ve heard their thing works. I’ve heard why their thing works. I’ve heard scientific explanations.

I didn’t hear how the “why it works”, the “scientific explanation” and the HOW it works are linked together. I didn’t understand what is expected from me, and how and what I should do to get the results I want. I basically didn’t really know what I’d get, why would it work for me, if it was actually for me and what should I do.

It was sooo vague. For that amount of money, I expect to understand what I actually get.

But the thing that broke the camel’s back was that they put out something on their page, which I know very well it’s not true. I mean, I personally know it’s not true. They practically lied. So they were out.

So the second, they had a long video too but theirs started with a quiz to categorise me. I wasn’t really annoyed just a bit irritated because it took too long to see the what, how and how much. And there’s no skipping through. I felt I was forced to watch something I didn’t want to because I wanted to see if it works for me, instead of someone talking at me in a very formulaic way to sell me something.

You know with the “this is not your fault” and all those copy-paste stuff they use. Anyway, I got to the sales page. They had an even longer sales page than the previous business. They offered tons of bonuses but the kitchen sink.

Of course, because I’m an action taker and listened to their blablabla… Yup, rolling my eyes because they actually said that too…

And this programme was even more expensive at about 20% and that’s a lot.

Again, I’ve heard the same things from this business too. They’re good, famous, their thing works, etc, etc, etc.

But there was no information on the steps needed. There was no information on what things I actually needed. Because if I need to go through on 5-6 extra mini-courses and 5 ebooks that came as bonuses and tons of other resources to get some results it’s just a no. And these were just the bonuses. I was confused and didn’t feel that I need those bonuses and felt I’d pay for all the things I don’t need. Plus I still wasn’t clear about how their thing would bring me the results I want.

I skipped them and picked the third one.

This one didn’t have any annoying unskippable ‘explainer video’ which is basically a thinly veiled formulaic webinar.

They had though a really long sales page which you only could access after a quiz. It was like a blog post merged with a sales page. It was interesting and enjoyable. It led me to believe that they know what they were doing and they actually have the solution for my need.

Their price was in the middle of the first 2 companies.

So after spending a max of 20 minutes actually investigating them, their social media and everything I purchased.

They had 4 upsells and the 4th one was something I actually looked for. The 4th upsell was the thing I really needed. At that point, I laughed out loud as you couldn’t buy that thing on their website… They of course included some of that solution in the main offer (otherwise I wouldn’t have purchased it).

So after getting access to their stuff, I opened up everything and started to look through the things. Sadly, one of the bonuses and the main part of the offer actually covered about 90% of the upsell I forked out extra money.

Oh, you bet, I felt cheated on.

And after I skimmed through all the material it turned out that it delivers the thing I need in 5%. Even though I needed to fill out a quiz, so they knew exactly what I need, their thing wasn’t for me. At all. I mean they said it’s for me, but it’s not. Only 5% is actually usable from that programme for me.

And 5% for that price is definitely not value for money. Plus I would need to sift through their stuff every time to find something that could work for me. No thank you. So of course, I ask for a refund.

Why do I tell you this?

Because this is what I see most of the time. Entrepreneurs create webinars, explainer videos, quizzes, long sales pages and a lot of other fancy stuff but forget a few things. They forget the basics.

Like what their actual offer is. Oh, this one is a biggie as I don’t need tons and tons of bonuses, I need the thing that solves my issue.

Like what unique about their offer is and how it works.

Like how their thing will help me. Just tell me, don’t keep me in the dark like I’m a mushroom.

Yeah, for sure, all 3 businesses were much better at marketing themselves than many and they still failed. You can see, that none of the offers was clear. The fancy ‘scienty’ stuff sounded a bit condescending (as they all the time said “I know it’s a bit scientific and your head must be spinning from this” or “it’s difficult to understand science but I need to tell you this”)

And yeah, I can say “it’s not your fault” if you’ve done stuff like this because you just followed the path you’ve seen others marching on. The thing is that until you don’t have clarity around your offer and can’t communicate it clearly, you’ll leave tons of money on the table. And even if you make sales, if your offer is not what it says, you’ll lose those sales sharpishly with a refund.

These people spend a lot of money on their marketing and still, their basics are not covered. And in case you want to achieve a different result with your offer, I might have something for you.

So let me ask you two questions;

Do you want to uncover the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers?

Do you need simplified processes, crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan you need to sell NOW?

If you don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start selling and to increase your profitability by 20% in 1-3 days, without spending more time or money on marketing.

If you said or nodded yes, read on because I’ll actually tell you how it works.

How will we do this?

First, we start with the Outstanding Gameplan where we’ll look at your business, industry and your offer to understand why people buy from you and leverage buyer psychology to sign more clients. (I wrote a dissertation on the topic.) And we’ll find the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers to attract and impress your (prospective) clients.

And after that, we’ll do the math and your pricing to make sure your business can reach a very nice and comfortable high-profit margin revenue (a.k.a. your ambitious income goal), without working every hour under the sun. Yes, this means we’ll brainstorm ways to increase the value of your offer or reduce the time of delivery.

And if you’re a good fit and want to go further after the Outstanding Gameplan, you might grab one of the Profit Zone offers to progress further, which include the below steps and more.

We’ll find the best ways to grow your audience by checking on your existing results, resources & your personality. You can expect to work on your email marketing, social media & community-building activities.

We’ll put together a simple system & process that’ll help you increase your sales conversion & referral rate.

We’ll pinpoint your crystal clear & concise message & craft a few viral & engagement posts. You’ll write different posts following my proven method by leveraging buyer psychology to get the leads coming in. Then I review & critique your content.

We’ll optimise your sales process to increase your conversion rate, so you can enjoy better results with less work.

Together, we’ll create the simplest marketing plan on Earth for your business. And help you repurpose your content to be able to set and forget most of it.

By this point, your offer, your messaging, content & sales process basically lets people close themselves with very little effort on your side.

One of the versions of my Profit Zone method I used to help a client to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. This method also helped me save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%.

End result? You’ll be able to simplify your marketing, fine-tuning your marketing message and methodology so these won’t hold you back from rapid growth and peace in your business anymore.

No more working way too hard talking to the wrong people and presenting your offers in the wrong way.

Pretty simple, right? And very effective.

But this is not for everyone, so who's a good fit to work with me?

they want better quality leads and more clients but they don’t want the “busy work”, they want to focus on money-generating tasks and they need a clear method they can follow

their content doesn’t generate buzz and/or leads because it lacks the clarity and powerful, unambiguous positioning and messaging required to generate those leads

they already know their material is great but for some reason, they’re stuck under the frustrating income ceiling that they want to smash through now

they don’t want to change niche or your offer (tweaking is fine) because it works but they need to up their game

they’re confident in their ability to convert all their new leads into clients

Are you ready to scale your business to the next level?

How it works

Step 1

starts with the Outstanding Gameplan

The purpose of the session is to recognise the uniqueness of your business, so you can stand out of the sea of sameness. And once you become outstanding, we’ll find a way to increase your profit without working more.

All this in a 2,5 hours online session.

Step 2

let the ball roll with Profit Zone

The Outstanding Gameplan uncovers the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers. After that, with the Profit Zone, I’ll show you the simplified processes, crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan you need to sell NOW… If you don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start making money.

All this in 1 or 3 days.

What people are saying

Who am I?

I’m Viki Thorbjorn, an ex-athlete turned award-winning marketer. I’ve helped clients to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. Or to save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%. And just in 2021 alone I helped thousands of people with their business and gained hundreds of customers – will you be the next?

And I designed the Outstanding Gameplan to reveal the very unique, authentic essence of your business, letting you tackle the goals you care about, no matter how complex or ambitious they might seem.

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