Ah, Facebook, the social media platform that brings people together and makes them want to tear their hair out. As a business owner, Facebook can be an excellent tool for getting clients without having to spend money on ads. However, it takes some strategy, creativity, and a dash of humour to make it work. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to get clients on Facebook without ads, because I’m going to share 8 ways to do just that.

#1 Be authentic

Authenticity is key when it comes to getting clients on Facebook. People can smell inauthenticity from a mile away and don’t want to do business with someone who seems fake or insincere. So, be yourself and show your personality in your posts. If you’re funny, make jokes. If you’re serious, share thoughtful insights. Whatever you do, be true to who you are.

So yep, let’s talk about being authentic on Facebook. The holy grail of social media marketing and the key to winning over the hearts and minds of potential clients. But what exactly does it mean to be authentic? Well, it means being yourself, flaws and all. Yes, even those weird quirks that you think nobody else would understand.

Embrace it; it’ll serve you well. But if you don’t believe me, let me tell you a little story;

When Claire was just starting out as a freelance writer, she thought that she had to be serious and professional all the time. She wrote dry and dull posts and never let her personality shine through. But one day, she decided to let her guard down and be a little more… Claire.

She crafted a post about accidentally spilling coffee all over her laptop and spent the whole day trying to salvage her work. And you know what? People loved it! They related to her struggle, laughed at her misfortune, and appreciated that she was being honest and relatable.

My advice is this: don’t be afraid to show your personality on Facebook. Share your quirks, your passions, and your sense of humour. After all, nobody wants to work with a robot. Clients want to work with real people who they can connect with and trust. So, go ahead and let your freak flag fly! Who knows, it might just be the very thing that sets you apart from the competition.

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#2 Share your expertise

People come to Facebook to learn and be entertained, so if you can offer valuable insights or tips in your area of expertise, you’ll be well on your way to getting clients. Share articles, videos, or blog posts that offer insights into your industry or niche. Answer questions and engage with people who comment on your posts. By demonstrating your expertise, people will start to see you as a trusted authority in your field.

Sharing your expertise on Facebook is like being the wise old sage on top of a mountain, dispensing knowledge and advice to the masses. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point. As an expert in your field, you have much valuable information to share with your followers.

But how do you do it in a way that’s engaging and funny? Well, you don’t need to be funny, but you do need to be engaging.

And now, allow me to tell you another story. Once upon a time, there was a personal trainer named Bob. Bob loved to share workout tips and fitness advice on his Facebook page, but he found that his posts needed to be more noticed in the sea of other fitness-related content. So, he decided to switch things up and inject a little humour into his posts.

One day, he posted about how he was trying to do a new exercise called the “Twisted Pretzel,” but ended up getting stuck in the position and had to call for help. He then went on to explain how the exercise was supposed to work and how it could benefit his followers. The post went viral, and Bob gained a ton of new followers who appreciated his humour and expertise.

My advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through when sharing your expertise. Use humour, storytelling, and personal anecdotes to make your posts more engaging and relatable. People will appreciate the fact that you’re not just a walking encyclopedia but a real human with real experiences. And who knows, you might inspire someone to try that new exercise or implement that new strategy you’ve been preaching about.

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#3 Post regularly

Consistency is vital when it comes to social media. If you post sporadically, people will forget about you, and your efforts will be wasted. However, if you post regularly, people will start to expect and look forward to your content. Try to post at least three times a week, but if you’re really eager, still no more than three times a day. You simply don’t need that.

Ah, posting regularly on Facebook. It’s like feeding a hungry monster that always wants more. But how do you keep that monster satisfied without driving yourself insane? Well, let me tell you a little story. Today I’m pretty much into these small stories.

Once upon a time, there was a baker named Sarah. Sarah loved to post pictures of her delicious cakes and pastries on her Facebook page, but she found it hard to keep up with a consistent posting schedule. So, she decided to make a game out of it. She challenged herself to come up with a new post every day for a month, no matter how silly or random it might be.

One day, she posted about how she accidentally spilt flour all over her kitchen and looked like a ghost. Another day, she posted about her cat sneaking a taste of one of her cupcakes. The posts weren’t all strictly about baking, but they were all fun and engaging.

After that month, Sarah gained a ton of new followers who loved her quirky sense of humour and her dedication to posting regularly. And Sarah herself had discovered that posting on Facebook didn’t have to be a chore. It could be a fun and creative outlet that brought her closer to her followers.

So, my advice to you is this:

    1. Don’t think of posting regularly as a burden.
    2. Think of it as an opportunity to showcase your personality and your brand.
    3. Use it as a chance to experiment with different types of content and see what resonates with your followers.
    4. Stick to a schedule; if you post 3 times a week, don’t miss it.

And most importantly, have fun with it! Because if you’re not having fun, then what’s the point? Yeah, I know, to make money with it, but you can’t make money with a task if you really hate it (it comes across, and people can see it and feel that you don’t enjoy it).

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#4 Engage with other people's content

Don’t just post your content, and expect people to visit you. Engage with other people’s content, too. Comment on posts, share articles and participate in discussions. By doing so, you’ll start to build relationships with people, and they’ll be more likely to check out your content in return. This is the reciprocity you can enjoy.

But also, if you publicly communicate with people, more and more people will know you. They’ll recognise your name and expertise, which will really help you, especially when you want to sell your product/offer/service.

So, engaging with other people’s content on Facebook is like being a social butterfly at a party. You fly from group to group, chatting and mingling with people and maybe even making a few new friends along the way. But how do you do it in a way that’s engaging and funny? Well, let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, there was a fashion blogger named Jessica. Jessica loved to post pictures of her outfits and share fashion advice with her followers. But she also knew engaging with other people’s content was vital if she wanted to build a strong following. So, she decided to make a game out of it.

She would scroll through her Facebook feed daily and find a post that caught her eye. Maybe it was a funny meme, an interesting article, or a beautiful photo. Whatever it was, she would leave a comment or a like and try to start a conversation with the person who posted it.

One day, she came across a post from a fellow fashion blogger struggling to find the perfect pair of shoes to complete an outfit. Jessica shared her experience with shoe shopping and recommended a few brands she loved. The two bloggers became friends and even collaborated on a few projects together.

My advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to engage with other people’s content on Facebook. Leave a thoughtful comment, share your experience, or even drop an emoji. It’s a great way to build relationships and show people that you’re not just there to promote yourself but to be a part of the community. And who knows, you might just make a new friend or find a new collaborator along the way. But for sure, you’ll be visible.

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#5 Use Facebook groups

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with people who share your interests. Join groups related to your niche or industry and engage with people there. Share your expertise, answer questions, and participate in discussions. By doing so, you’ll build relationships with people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Using Facebook groups is like joining a secret club where you get to hang out with like-minded people who share your interests. And who doesn’t love a good club? But how do you use Facebook groups engagingly and entertainingly? Because we all know how groups can be either spam and pitch fests or could take far too much time. Well, let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a dog lover named Jack. Jack loved posting pictures of his furry friend on his Facebook page, but he wanted to connect with other dog owners and share tips and advice. Actually, he trained to be a dog behaviourist, so he joined a few Facebook groups dedicated to dogs.

At first, Jack was a little intimidated by all the other dog owners in the group. They all seemed to know so much about dog behaviour and training. But Jack didn’t let that stop him. He started posting pictures of his dog and asking for advice on everything from leash training to separation anxiety. Just to see what people think/know or what questions they ask.

One day, Jack posted a picture of his dog wearing a silly hat and asked if anyone else’s dog had a silly fashion sense. The responses flooded in, and soon the group was filled with pictures of dogs wearing hats, sunglasses, and even tutus.

Jack had found a way to connect with other dog owners in a fun and engaging way, and he was grateful for the friendships he had made through the Facebook group. And yes, he could also build an excellent little base for his new business.

So, my advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to join Facebook groups that align with your interests. Whether it’s a group dedicated to knitting, cooking, or extreme sports, there’s bound to be a group out there for you. Use it to connect with others, share your experiences, and, most importantly, have fun! Because life is too short of taking everything too seriously.

Start promoting your offer in multiple Facebook groups today without repeating yourself

#6 Host Facebook live sessions

Facebook live is a great way to connect with people in real time. Host live sessions where you answer questions, offer tips or share insights. By doing so, you’ll demonstrate your expertise and give people a chance to get to know you better. Plus, people love watching live videos, so it’s a great way to get more engagement on your page.

Hosting a Facebook live session is like putting on a live show where you’re the star, the director, and the audience all at once. It’s a little scary but also a lot of fun. But how do you make your Facebook live session engaging and funny? Well, let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a fitness instructor named Emily. Emily loved sharing her workout tips and routines on her Facebook page, but she wanted to connect with her followers more personally. So, she decided to host a Facebook live session.

At first, Emily was nervous about going live. She worried that she would forget her workout routine or that no one would show up. But she didn’t let that stop her. She put on her workout clothes, set up her camera, and hit the “Go Live” button.

To make the session engaging and funny, Emily decided to play some upbeat music and invite her followers to join in on the workout. She also made a few jokes and shared embarrassing workout stories to lighten the mood.

As the session continued, Emily’s nerves melted away, and she had a blast. She even invited a few of her followers to come on camera and share their own workout tips and stories.

By the end of the session, Emily had gained a bunch of new followers and had a ton of fun doing it. She realised that hosting a Facebook live session was a great way to connect with her audience and showcase her personality.

My advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to host a Facebook live session. Whether it’s to showcase your expertise, share your sense of humour, or just connect with your audience, it’s a great way to show people the real you. And you might even have some fun along the way. Just remember to wear pants (if it’s visible or you want to get up during your live).

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#7 Run contests and giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a great way to get more engagement on your page and attract new followers. Offer a prize related to your niche or industry and ask people to like, comment, or share your post to enter. By doing so, you’ll increase your visibility and get more people interested in what you have to offer.

Running a contest or giveaway on Facebook is like being the cool kid at the party who’s handing out free candy. Everyone wants to be your friend, and you’re having a blast. But how do you make your contest or giveaway engaging and funny? Well, let me tell you a story. Again.

Once upon a time, there was a fashion blogger named Mona. Mona loved sharing her fashion tips and outfits on her Facebook page, but she wanted to grow her audience and engage with her followers funnily. So, she decided to run a contest.

At first, Mona was unsure of what kind of contest to run. She wanted something that would be fun and engaging but also related to her fashion niche. That’s when she had a brilliant idea: a fashion photo challenge.

Mona challenged her followers to take a picture of themselves wearing their craziest outfit and post it on her Facebook page with a funny caption. The winner would receive a free styling session with Mona.

As the entries started rolling in, Mona was amazed at the creativity and humour of her followers. She saw pictures of people wearing tutus, superhero costumes, and even a dress made out of bubble wrap. The captions were equally hilarious, with people sharing stories about their fashion disasters and wardrobe malfunctions.

By the end of the contest, Mona had gained a bunch of new followers and had a ton of fun doing it. She realised that running a contest or giveaway was a great way to engage with her audience and showcase her fun and playful side.

My advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to run a contest or giveaway on Facebook. Whether it’s to grow your audience, engage with your followers, or just have some fun, it’s a great way to showcase your personality and connect with others. Just remember, free candy is always a crowd-pleaser.

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#8 Share your story

People love stories, especially ones that are relatable and inspiring. Share your own story on Facebook and let people get to know you on a deeper level. Doing so will create a connection with people, and they’ll be more likely to do business with you.

Sharing your story on Facebook is like being the star of your own mini-biopic. You get to simultaneously show off your accomplishments, struggles, and sense of humour. But how do you make your story engaging? Well, let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a writer named Alex. Alex loved to share his writing on his Facebook page, but he wanted to connect with his followers on a more personal level. So, he decided to share his story.

At first, Alex was unsure of how much to share. He didn’t want to come across as too self-centred or boring. But then he had a brilliant idea: he would share his worst writing fail ever.

Alex wrote about the time when he accidentally sent a love letter to his crush instead of his agent. It was mortifying at the time, but looking back, Alex saw the humour in the situation.

He shared the story on his Facebook page and was amazed at the response. People loved it! They shared their own writing fails and embarrassing moments, and Alex felt like he had connected with his audience in a whole new way.

By the end of the post, Alex had gained a bunch of new followers and had a ton of fun doing it. He realized that sharing his story was a great way to connect with his audience and showcase his sense of humour and relatability.

My advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to share your story on Facebook. Whether it’s a funny anecdote, a personal struggle, or just a quirky detail about yourself, it’s a great way to show people the real you. And who knows, you might even have some fun along the way. Just make sure to spell-check your love letters.

In conclusion, getting clients on Facebook without ads takes effort, but it’s doable. Be authentic, share your expertise, engage with others, use Facebook groups, host Facebook Live sessions, run contests or giveaways, and share your story. By doing so, you’ll build relationships with people and attract more clients to your business.

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Who am I?

I’m Viki Thorbjorn, an ex-athlete turned multi-award-winning marketer. I’ve helped clients to go from making £9M in a year to over £20M in just 9 months. Or save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget while increasing their business growth by 270%. I helped thousands of people with their businesses and gained thousands of customers – will you be the next?

I worked with companies such as Avon, Jagermeister, LG, Suzuki, Ford, Microsoft Office, Drogerie Markt and Procter & Gamble and tons of smaller ones developing their marketing campaigns for around 20 years. I trained over 10,000 people over the years. And managed to keep my members usually for 3 – 4 years.

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