Goooooood morning lovely people (even if it’s not the morning when you’re reading it)! Imagine I said –  I mean shouted, this in Robin William’s voice from the Good morning Vietnam film.

Yes, it’s a film from 1987, which makes it a classic. And as it’s classic, you should definitely watch it if you haven’t. It’s an oldie and goodie 😊

Anyway, I digress…

I wanted to talk about doing the things you’re good at. How can you be good at something?

If you practice it.

They say you only can be an expert at something if you practised it for 10,000 hours. Which would mean 5 years with its 8 hours working days.

That’s a lot of work. A lot of practice.

And this is the reason I am always really surprised that people think they can grow their business in 2 nanoseconds because one person with a big audience said so.

Ok, more like lots of people say that without having any proof that they actually did something replicable that would work in every niche (’cause they don’t even mention the niche)

I see the hope-filled entrepreneurs jump on their posts/ads to get access to the ultimate shortcut. You know the shortcut that promises to give you the philosophers’ stone*. The shortcut that doesn’t exist. The philosophers’ stone does exist but just in Harry Potter…

They hop on their mailing list and they get a questionable quality freebie. A freebie that does not deliver a thing apart from a weak pitch of their offer.

Oh yeah, I checked out the market too to see what I’m ‘playing’ against.

So what’s now? We all downloaded the same freebie that has been copy-pasted from 5 different programmes/courses, so none of the original creators could recognise their work and claim copyright…

Yes, this actually happens if you didn’t know that. There are some dodgy, slimy people out… Ya know, they call themselves experts, cough*…

Anyway, whatever is the method, tactic, thingy they tell you to do in their freebie ‘because it works’… And let’s suppose it does. At least to a degree…

…chances are it won’t work the same way for you.

Oh yeah, I said let’s suppose their thing is actually working. You tried it and it didn’t. You tried it again and it didn’t.

What a heck, you could ask.

But you’d be wrong. Because you cannot expect that something you’ve never done before you’ll pull it off immediately perfectly.

Something that the creator of the method/tactic/thingy used and reused and reused again.

A thing they practised over and over. Just like when you practised your dance moves in front of the mirror in your teenage years. Might even be in your twenties too (I don’t dare to think you’ve done it in your thirties too).

So with all my love, please don’t fall for any tips or advice that promises you the results immediately.

Not even from me, even if I know my stuff works (for real).

Because you’ll need to practice. Tweak it, make it yours. If you can’t make it yours, it won’t work.

If you don’t know what the philosophers’ stone is, that’s a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold or silver.

So my food for thought question is, how long did it take you to start to get clients consistently and how many methods have you tried before you found the one that delivers the best ROI (return on investment)?

Do you feel like you need an expert?

That’s ok, we all feel that way from time to time. Yes, me too as I cannot escape from ‘my head’. If I could, I would sometimes 😂

So, I might just have something for you, but before we dive in at the deep end, we need to handle the basics.

And that’s your uniqueness and profitability. And together, we can find out how you can increase your profit and communicate your uniqueness by leveraging buyer psychology. So you can drop those long hours next to the computer and 6 empty coffee mugs…

Because first, you need to concentrate on your business model, offers, pricing and communication. Prospects need to see your uniqueness.

The strategy comes after these. And there are thousands of strategies to pick from. We can find the best one for you based on your personality.

But none of them will work if your prospects don’t understand why they should pick you out of dozens.

So before you jump headfirst to start the newest strategy on getting leads on TikTok or vehemently start typing the first chapter of your book you’ll never finish but restart every 3-4 months… Let’s get back to the basics and simplify.

But this is not for everyone, let's see who's a good fit to work with me?

they want better quality leads and more clients but they don’t want the “busy work”, they want to focus on money-generating tasks and they need a clear method they can follow

their content doesn’t generate buzz and/or leads because it lacks the clarity and powerful, unambiguous positioning and messaging required to generate those leads

they already know their material is great but for some reason, they’re stuck under the frustrating income ceiling that they want to smash through now

they don’t want to change niche or your offer (tweaking is fine) because it works but they need to up their game

they’re confident in their ability to convert all their new leads into clients

Are you ready to scale your business to the next level?

How it works

Step 1

starts with the Outstanding Gameplan

The purpose of the session is to recognise the uniqueness of your business, so you can stand out of the sea of sameness. And once you become outstanding, we’ll find a way to increase your profit without working more.

All this in a 2,5 hours online session.

Step 2

let the ball roll with Profit Zone

The Outstanding Gameplan uncovers the unique essence of your offer that’ll put you above all similar offers. After that, with the Profit Zone, I’ll show you the simplified processes, crystal clear, concise messaging, content and the easiest marketing plan you need to sell NOW… If you don’t have the time to wait 3-6+ months to start making money.

All this in 1 or 3 days.

What people are saying

Who am I?

I’m Viki Thorbjorn, an ex-athlete turned award-winning marketer. I’ve helped clients to go from making ÂŁ9M in a year to over ÂŁ20M in just 9 months. Or to save 6 figures in a client’s marketing budget whilst increasing their business growth by 270%. And just in 2021 alone I helped thousands of people with their business and gained hundreds of customers.

And I designed the Outstanding Gameplan to reveal the very unique, authentic essence of your business, letting you tackle the goals you care about, no matter how complex or ambitious they might seem.

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